Monday, November 30, 2009
Google Wave - Free Invites to Google Wave
I have in my possession 8 google wave invites. If you don't know what google wave is check out this link.
So in short if you want to be part of the group of beta testers of googles' newest toy than leave a comment on this post and the best 3 comments will get wave invites.
Leave the email you want your invite sent too, and tell me why you deserve to be surfing on the google wave.
If you're already on google wave leave your wave name and i'll add you so we can keep up the conversations.
Happy Surfing!
Free Invites,
Google Wave,
Invite to wave
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Google Caffeine - Not to be launched until after the holidays

Take a deep breath
You no longer need to stress out about not having your ts' crossed and your is' dotted. Google is giving all SEOs' and Business owners a break for the holidays. More or less a break to the people who didn't prepare for the new search engine algorithm Google released - caffeine.
Caffeine has been up for beta testing for more than 4 months, and any SEO or Business owner should have been well aware of that, and prepared for it. The transformation that is taking place is a big one.
Straight from the mouth of Matt Cutts from Google - "Caffeines' roll out will happen after the holidays. Caffeine will go live at one data center so that we can continue to collect data and improve the technology, but I don’t expect Caffeine to go live at additional data centers until after the holidays are over".
You should be aware, reader, that this is a prime time to make sure your websites SEO is top notch for the new update. You have to be ready for this kind of change, or you will be left in the sandbox.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Paper and Print Marketing is still effective
Paper and Print Marketing is still effective

A lot of people look at the world we live in and they only see graphics, and pixels. It's no one's fault really because this is certainly the kind of world we all live in. It is, however, the fault of promoters and media that we only look at marketing opportunities online. There are so many opportunities out there for people to promote their business', products or anything through the means of paper and print marketing.
People look at paper and they give it a scarlet letter. They assume it's going to destroy the world, and not help anyone but tree hating folk' - and we all know how tree hatin' folk act. This couldn't be further from the truth.
Everyone in business today still needs and relies on paper and print marketing in one way or another. People like tangible things, they like to be able to grab and touch the things they are purchasing. It is very important to print business cards and to distribute them, instead of just providing your blackberry pin.
There are multiples of companies that provide direct mail marketing which is a great way to gain exposure for your company. This form of marketing has been used over the years, and continues to be used by some of the biggest companies in the world today. It's not all emails, and newsletters. Marketing requires variety, and some of that will come in the form of something tangible - paper and print marketing for example.
Take full advantage of a direct mail marketing service. They will send out your promotional materials (postcards) to anyone you desire, or they think will desire your products. They do all of the work. They print off the materials for you, they address them, they find out desirable places to send them.
This kind of service can't be done digitally. This is the kind of marketing that is done through print and paper. This is a very important form of marketing, and one that should not be overlooked.
Lean more about direct mail marketing services and start using this archaic way of promotion today.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Reasons to become a Green Printer or Designer
Reasons to become a Green Printer or Designer
Many of us have no choice but to use paper, even in such a digital world. I know that I'm guilty. Therefore I can't help but feel responsible for some of the irregularities that are happening to our environment.
Until i switched to a Green Printer
I was reading this article , and as you can tell it sparked an interest in this posting. People need to be more aware of who they are printing with, and make sure they are genuinely green.
It's easy to say 'i'm green', but to actually know what that means, and to exercise it is an entirely different story.
So don't do it for me, but do it for yourselves, or at least for this great planet.
Read over the article above. If you find that you can help out by either switching to a different print provider , or by changing some of your environmentally unsafe practices.
Work hard, work hard at keeping the environment green.
An excerpt of my ny daily news interview - Kensington Brooklyn NYC
Interviewed about Kensington, Brooklyn for the NY Daily News
In no way is this “yuppieville,” but neighbors point to recent sightings of a younger, artsy set. Roommates Jordan Greve and Julio Rivera work in the creative printing business in Manhattan. They run, an avant-garde Web site promoting international and local art. The two pay $1,500 for a 1,700-square-foot two-bedroom on the top floor of a house. They moved from Williamsburg in July.
“We had to get away from hipsters,” says Greve. “We lived in this crazy loft where our neighbors were having live music concerts all the time. We wanted something affordable where we could come and go at all hours of the night and feel safe. When we were looking at our apartment I saw a mother teach her daughter to ride a bike. That struck a chord for me. This is a really chill ’hood.”
Read the entire thing here
Google Caffeine - Sandbox Vanished - Are you ready for the change?
Google Caffeine - Sandbox Vanished - Are you ready for the change?
If you're not familiar with the new google search engine algorithm it's called caffeine. Caffeine became live April, 10, 2009. At this time it was under beta testing, for the entire world via the google sandbox.
If you decide to click the link above, you will see a message posted by google, and google's associates indicating that they are preparing to release Google Caffeine to the entire world.
I did get a chance to play with Caffeine, quite a bit actually. A lot of my websites are ranking very highly in area's that they weren't touching with the google algorithm we're all used too. I believe that caffeine's new algorithm is based on a few things.
- Strong Unique Content
- Bolding of Keywords
- Strong Anchorwords
- Complete Meta's (Title's & Descriptions)
In SEO, this practice is typical for high ranking, anyone with general SEO knowledge knows that already. The new algorithm, however, is eliminating the the wikipedia pages, the e-how's and other high ranking websites that have less to do with the key word you are targeting. At least that's my grasp on it.
Google can either be an SEO's best friend, or worst enemy. As google changes, you should also change. Or you could end up in the sandbox.
Google Caffeine,
Google Change,
Google Sandbox,
Google Test,
Vanishing Sandbox
Monday, November 9, 2009
A Gift Basket is a great gift for the Holidays
Don't you hate anticipating a gift from someone and being disappointed by it? I know they say it's the thought that counts, but doesn't it seem more practical for that thought to make a lasting impression?
Well, this year give them the gift basket of a life time. There's this great company called Dream Maker Gifts and they sell unique, cool gift baskets for any holiday, any occasion.
They have Holiday Gift Baskets, Corporate Gift Baskets, Birthday Gift Baskets, Special Occasion Gift Baskets, Gourmet Gift Baskets, and more!
Don't let them frown this year! Give them a gift they will love. A Gift they will remember. A Gift that was meant to be given.
Well, this year give them the gift basket of a life time. There's this great company called Dream Maker Gifts and they sell unique, cool gift baskets for any holiday, any occasion.
They have Holiday Gift Baskets, Corporate Gift Baskets, Birthday Gift Baskets, Special Occasion Gift Baskets, Gourmet Gift Baskets, and more!
Don't let them frown this year! Give them a gift they will love. A Gift they will remember. A Gift that was meant to be given.
Interviewed for 1800 Postcards via Livemercial
Recently, I was interviewed on the spot about 1800postcards from Livemercial at the Adtech 2009 conference. I was excited to promote this great New York City company, because they do some of the best printing around.
They are the only known printing service that provides 14 pt. thick paper stock, which makes a really big difference.
I have printed with other printing companies before, and i have been very disappointed in their products. Sure, they offer you free printing, but at what cost?
As I say in the video above, don't sacrifice the image of your business by printing with a low-quality printer. For all of your current, and future print jobs choose 1800 Postcards. All of their printing is done with quality in mind.
Print postcards, business cards, stickers, banners, posters, and more today with America's Green Printing Company.
14 pt,
1800 Postcards,
Business Cards,
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