Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Difference between Digital and Offset Printing

Like most people out there, I used to let my local printer decide what the best means to complete my job were. I quickly found that this type of decision making was compared too bringing my car into the shop and letting the well-educated, experienced mechanics give me an assessment on the condition of my car. Usually this assessment is more beneficial for the mechanic then for your bank account - the same can be said about your local or international print companies.

The most basic knowledge you need to have when deciding on what type of print company you're going to utilize is simple - digital or offset. Both types of printing are very effective depending on the kind of printing you need, and instead of letting the print companies decide whats best for you - you decide whats best for you.

The older and more commonly used form of printing is offset printing. Offset printing was originally invented in 1875 and was used to print on the metal, tin. However, it wasn't until 1903 that Ira Washington Rubel created an offset printing press that could print on paper. Printing on paper with an offset press is a technique that is more than 100 years old and is still practiced today.

What are the benefits of using offset as a printing technique?

  • Consistent High Quality Images
  • Quick production with printing plates
  • Plates can withstand more then 1 million impressions
  • Cost

As indicated above - there are many advantages too printing using the offset printing technique. The most beneficial and the one that any person considering printing offset should be aware of is cost. Offset printing is the most affordable printing method to produce very high quality printing in commercial printing quantities. This simply means - its' only cost effective if you plan on printing quantities in the thousands. For smaller quantities of printing you may want to consider offset printings semi-equivalent - digital printing.

Digital printing is the newest printing technique that printing companies have adopted and almost all printing companies offer digital printing as an option, not all printing companies offer offset printing as an option. This should be noted.

What are the benefits of Digital Printing?

  • Variable Data Printing
  • Less chemical and paper waste
  • UV and fuser fluid
  • Quick turnaround time

The most beneficial role that Digital Printing plays as a printing technique is its variable data printing. Variable data printing is one of marketing's best kept secrets and one that anyone that uses paper as a form of marketing should know about. With variable data marketing you could, if you so chose, print items targeted at specific marketing demographics, companies, or people. Which unlike offset printing is the future of paper print marketing.

When discussing and deciding what kind of printing is best for the job that you need done, it's best you use this practice.

If you need a lot of materials printed, you're not in a hurry, and want it all too look the same than choose offset printing as your method.

If you need a small or medium amount of printing done, and done quickly, with different pieces of information for each of your materials than choose digital printing as your method.

Both digital and offset printing are extremely beneficial in their own ways, and by being educated on these two popular forms of printing you will be able to determine what the best method for you is in the long run.

Both saving you time, and money.

Author Information:

Jordan Greve is a marketer for one of the biggest printing companies in NYC. He does the marketing and advertising for 1800 Postcards which is the largest commercial printer of full color postcards, business cards, and more.
Instructions on Article Copying:

You're welcome to reprint these articles on your website and in your e-newsletters free of charge, provided that:
  • you don't change the article in any way and you include the byline(including a link to our website)
In doing so you agree to indemnify and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against all losses, claims, damages, and liabilities that arise out of their use.

Monday, December 28, 2009

How to Spin Articles and why it's Effective

Like most marketers, I get tired of writing fresh content for my websites all the time. I find that when my writing becomes a chore I can't utilize my full copy-writing potential. To be honest, there's nothing more annoying then when the cursor blinking back at you. It could be for a series of reasons - but that's beside the point. I'm not here to make excuses as to why I don't want to write fresh content all the time. Instead i want to share a technique that I've been using for a long time.

The technique is called article spinning. Article spinning is a tried and true technique used by many website content writers, copy writers, and marketers. Why does article spinning work? It works because its a way for one of your articles, take this one for example to create multitudes of the same article written differently.

You could spin all of your content so it reads the same but at the same time reads differently. The way to portray this is by using synonyms, the thesaurus, and even PPC search - this is mainly used for SEO after all. Here's an example of how to spin a sentence with one of the many article spinners available.

Example: My [Great|Awesome|New] Article

Looking at this it with no knowledge of whats' happening to the sentence can be very confusing, unless it's broken down into a very simple explanation. Looking above - you will immediately notice a [, accompanied by a |, and followed by a ]. These are characters on your keyboard you will find the [ to the right of the letter p if you're using a standard QWERTY keyboard. And if you move towards the right two more spaces you will find the |. Next to the [ is the ]. Now that you have keyboard placement down lets discuss what each of these characters mean for article spinning.

Take a look at the [Great|Awesome|New] from example 1 above. Do you notice something similar about each of these words? They are all adjectives used to flavor and describe this small sentence. This is where you're spinning your article and where you will learn how and why this is effective.

Looking back at example 1 this is how it would be read if it was spun 3 times:

My Great Article
My Awesome Article
My New Article

Now you will notice there are only 3 words per sentence, but in our original example there were more than 3 words and even more characters. The [ is used to separate a single word, and the ] is used to finish the separation of the word. The | is used as a barrier to add even more adjectives or other words that imply the same thing to the original sentence.

Breaking it down you use those 3 characters ([]|) to spin your articles so they are read differently. This is very important if you desperately need fresh content for your websites, because even though the human reader hears the same message from your content, the website crawlers will see each sentence and word as unique content.

If you take the time and spin each of your articles you can have over 1000 of the same article written differently. There are a lot of article spinners out there today - I only use one though. It's free, and I personally feel that it's the best one out there. It's called spin profit.

After you finish going through each of your words and spinning them, you can choose the format you want your articles to be in and how you want them to be saved. Typically I have all of my articles saved as .txt in a .zip that way I can go through each of them and choose my favorites.

Start spinning your articles today, that way you don't have too write fresh content all of the time. This is one of marketing's best kept secrets.

[Learn why you should start|Educate yourself on|Begin] [Spinning Articles|Article Spinning] [Today!|Tomorrow!|Friday!|At Noon!].

Begin Spinning Articles Today!

Author Information:

Jordan Greve is a marketer for one of the biggest printing companies in NYC. He does the marketing and advertising for 1800 Postcards which is the largest commercial printer of full color postcards, business cards, and more.
Instructions on Article Copying:

You're welcome to reprint these articles on your website and in your e-newsletters free of charge, provided that:
  • you don't change the article in any way and you include the byline(including a link to our website)
In doing so you agree to indemnify and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against all losses, claims, damages, and liabilities that arise out of their use.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

250 Free Business Cards | 1800 Postcards NYC

Right now for a limited time 1800 Postcards of NYC is giving away 250 premium business cards. Now these aren't your typical business cards either - these are full color double sided business cards with your art on them.

Don't worry if you're not an artist because 1800 postcards has a great e-card builder that can be used to fully customize and create these free business cards. Anyone can learn to use this business card builder, it's very simple to use - yet complicated enough to make some very professional looking and presentable business cards.

You don't have to use the e-card builder though. 1800 Postcards allows you to upload your own artwork to be printed on fsc certified paper. These business cards will be yours with no marking from 1800 postcards what so ever.

There is no unwanted logos' on your free business cards. There are no gimmicks, no tricks, just genuine business cards for your personal brand.

I'm sure this is a limited time offer, so take advantage of it - and feel the difference.