Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Commercial Printing Companies | Overnight Press Leap NYC

Commercial Printing Companies | Overnight Press Leap NYC: "As Commercial Printing Companies go overnight press leap in nyc is great. So if you re commercial and looking for a printing company in new york city choose us."

Thursday, January 28, 2010

How to Effectively Promote and Advertise Using Stickers

If you live in a metropolitan city like New York or Los Angele's then chances are you have seen stickers adhered to public property, private property, or just plain property. Even some of the smaller communities and cities can certainly relate to witnessing this type of act. Most people out there might consider it a form of vandalism -- it is a gold mine as a marketing tool that everyone needs to harvest from.

Sticker marketing is one of the fastest, cheapest, and most effective ways to promote anything and everything. Everyone gets their start somewhere and after you have developed an idea that you want to share this can be one of the best first steps for making that happen. It is necessary to harness this medium as a marketer, but it must be done correctly the first time.

Typically when people think about stickers they think of general square or circle shapes in either one color or many. That's no longer the case today. With the development of technology most printing companies are able to produce and print die cut stickers. What is a die cut sticker -- a sticker that has been cut in a series of steps through a process that can change the shape into anything you want. That's right! Any shape you want.

This is where you can really tap into this marketing gold mine. The first thing you need to realize is your very important message can get lost if you don't use an appropriate medium.

Say your goal is to promote a new coffee shop that you recently acquired. You decide that you're going to print some stickers to hand out with every order of coffee. Great idea if you execute it correctly. The stickers you designed are die cut into coffee mugs with your companies logo right on the front. The marketing medium has now become fun, useful, and engaging. Less people would likely throw your stickers out this way -- if they were just square or circles with your logo then the chance of them being thrown away is greater.

Other then handing individual die cut stickers out to every customer, or potential customer there's another very effective way to use stickers for marketing and advertising. Just like all of those stickers you see on street signs, the subway, and buildings this is a free golden marketing opportunity. All of the people that pass by your stickers are going to either be interested or their not. It's that simple.

Going back to our coffee shop sticker example - the defining factor for people to either keep or throw away your stickers is if they're useful, engaging, and fun. This can be one of the fastest and most effective ways to get your message to the world. Not only that, but it's fun. It's fun to run around be productive and stick your stickers all over the place.

Give your ideas a venue for the people around you. Print die cut stickers and watch the website hits, sales, and long lasting customer relationships.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Business Card Printing

Business Card Printing: "Business card printing from 1800 Postcards. Printing Business Cards by 1800 Postcards NYC is the best place to have printing done."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The First Rule of Advertising and Marketing

Who hasn't walked up to their parked car only to see one or more brightly colored advertisements adhered to their front window, locked in behind their windshield wiper. I know that I don't take this type of guerrilla style advertising seriously and the ad almost always ends up taking my parking space after I pull away. The simple reason this kind of marketing and advertising doesn't work is because it's intrusive and the type of medium used usually loses the message.

As briefly mentioned above - the medium used is a big reason that these types of advertisements are lost. Simply put; if you came back to the same-parked car and you noticed that there was a Rolex attached to the window you're going to take the message much more seriously then before. Because of the medium the message is on - a rolex you can use - a piece of thin paper with text on it you can't.

The first rule of advertising and marketing is; only advertise something that you yourself would want and would want to hear about. Treat your advertising as if you were on the outside looking in - then you will be able to cut out all of the ideas that turn potential customers and leads stomachs.

After you have the first rule of advertising and marketing figured out the rest should come naturally. This rule is really just a hybrid of the golden rule almost all of us grew up following.

"Market and advertise unto others as you would have them market and advertise unto you".

It's that simple. It really is. If you never forget that simple message you will have more conversions, and less negative feedback about your marketing and advertising campaigns. Contrary to popular belief it is not our job as marketers and advertisers to decide what our customers needs are, but only to help them when they realize their own needs.

Going back to my initial point - make sure all of your marketing and advertising materials are better then great! Even if that means you have to go a little over budget to make this happen. Remember if you as a marketer won't take it seriously then how do you expect your potential customers to take it seriously.

Look carefully and evaluate the type of campaign you're going to conduct. The type of medium your message is on can only be determined after you have determined your campaigns type. After you have determined your campaign type then take a step back and think of what would make you interested in that type of campaign.

This is where the rule of advertising and marketing separates the men from the boys - the women from the girls. This is where you will need to harness all of your creative energies and figure out a way to become dynamic and not static with your way of thought.

You most certainly wouldn't take a flyer if someone handed it to you on the street, and if you did take it from him or her it was because you can't say no - not because you want their message. Don't let your marketing and advertising turn out this way...

Follow the first rule of advertising and marketing!

Author Information:

Jordan Greve is a marketer for one of the biggest printing companies in NYC. He does the marketing and advertising for 1800 Postcards which is the largest commercial printer of full color postcards, business cards, and more.
Instructions on Article Copying:

You're welcome to reprint these articles on your website and in your e-newsletters free of charge, provided that:
  • you don't change the article in any way and you include the byline(including a link to our website)
In doing so you agree to indemnify http://www.1800postcards.com and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against all losses, claims, damages, and liabilities that arise out of their use.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Someone stole my article? What to do next


Plagiarism is theft - plain and simple any way you look at it, it is and will always be considered theft. It is theft of the most important thing in the world - time. Time is a precious commodity and one that everyone in the world cherishes. If you really think about it, most people are paid because of their, first and foremost, time, and then in a close second the kind of job the individual is performing.

Even as i sit here writing this free article, to be distributed freely for anyone to use as long as they follow my, and the article publishing websites guidelines I fear the theft of my time. These articles that are fortunately able to be distributed for free are still someones finely crafted language, thoughts, and ideas. There is nothing worse then having your thoughts ripped off, and your time burglarized.

Most article writers will run into this at one time or another and most of them will react in one initial way - angry. This is the emotion that you will feel when you first see someone else' name as the author of your hard work, and time.

Unfortunately this has happened to me, and my first reaction was to write this individual a nasty email and I acted on this initial reaction. The person who stole my work didn't respond after two days, to any of my threats, and they sounded serious. The unfortunate truth is that there isn't much that can be done in this situation, unless you happen to be a lawyer and want to provide a subpoena to an internet personality that may require a lot of time in tracking down their identity. If you decide to take this route, then the person is just stealing more of your precious time and it's not recommended you take this route unless you know you can get a lot of money for damages. Just realize that you will never get your time back.

After a few attempts to have this person rectify the situation, I decided to look into other ways to get this taken care of.

I will now display each step I took to have this looked at by Google, and my goal is to hopefully have my stolen article removed from Googles search index. My main goal is to have this persons website banned from Google. Reporting a plagiarized website or article is very easy to do and I'll lay it out in the simplest way so anyone will understand and be able to get rid of this falsification.

1)Validate your article has actually been stolen- Do plenty of research that can prove that your article has been stolen, and is being claimed under a name other then your own. Visit the website plagiarism checker too check either the title, pieces, or your entire article on Google to see what websites are publishing it. You can also Google search your articles complete published title on google with quotes around it and that will show you where it's being hosted.

2)Report the Plagiarism- After finding a credible source indicating that your article has been stolen and plagiarized, report it at plagiarism checker through their link at the top right of their website that will take you to the next screen explaining in steps what to do to get Googles' attention about your complaint.

3)Create a Google webmasters account- If you have one already skip down to step 4, and if you don't - simply sign up for a Google webmasters account by Google searching "Google webmaster tools".

4)Fill out the spam report form- Look the form over carefully, and start with the first box answering with as much detail as you can.
  • In this box place the direct link to where your article is published without your permission and without your name.
  • Copy the exact search term you used to find the article.
  • Copy the URL of the search page where your articles results are found.
  • Check the box that lets Google know the kind of problem you're having, check as many boxes that apply. In our case, i suggest choosing "Duplicate" and "Other".
  • The additional details box is the most important of all the boxes. When i filled mine out i included a little synopsis of my problem, a link to first place i published my article, and an email address i could be contacted at.
The truth of this reality is some people are lazy, and want to succeed by taking shortcuts. As a marketer, advertiser, article writer, blogger you can't stand for this kind of behavior. The only way it's going to subside is if when you experience it, instead of ignoring it, you take this threat seriously and alert the right people.

Don't let the actions of a few unethical people deter you from writing. Just make sure you're prepared when someone claims your work as their own you react in the appropriate way. Always remember that plagiarism is the theft of your time, ideas, and it should never be taken lightly.

Author Information:

Jordan Greve is a marketer for one of the biggest printing companies in NYC. He does the marketing and advertising for 1800 Postcards which is the largest commercial printer of full color postcards, business cards, and more.
Instructions on Article Copying:

You're welcome to reprint these articles on your website and in your e-newsletters free of charge, provided that:
  • you don't change the article in any way and you include the byline(including a link to our website)
In doing so you agree to indemnify http://www.1800postcards.com and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against all losses, claims, damages, and liabilities that arise out of their use.