The most basic knowledge you need to have when deciding on what type of print company you're going to utilize is simple - digital or offset. Both types of printing are very effective depending on the kind of printing you need, and instead of letting the print companies decide whats best for you - you decide whats best for you.
The older and more commonly used form of printing is offset printing. Offset printing was originally invented in 1875 and was used to print on the metal, tin. However, it wasn't until 1903 that Ira Washington Rubel created an offset printing press that could print on paper. Printing on paper with an offset press is a technique that is more than 100 years old and is still practiced today.
What are the benefits of using offset as a printing technique?
- Consistent High Quality Images
- Quick production with printing plates
- Plates can withstand more then 1 million impressions
- Cost
As indicated above - there are many advantages too printing using the offset printing technique. The most beneficial and the one that any person considering printing offset should be aware of is cost. Offset printing is the most affordable printing method to produce very high quality printing in commercial printing quantities. This simply means - its' only cost effective if you plan on printing quantities in the thousands. For smaller quantities of printing you may want to consider offset printings semi-equivalent - digital printing.
Digital printing is the newest printing technique that printing companies have adopted and almost all printing companies offer digital printing as an option, not all printing companies offer offset printing as an option. This should be noted.
What are the benefits of Digital Printing?
- Variable Data Printing
- Less chemical and paper waste
- UV and fuser fluid
- Quick turnaround time
The most beneficial role that Digital Printing plays as a printing technique is its variable data printing. Variable data printing is one of marketing's best kept secrets and one that anyone that uses paper as a form of marketing should know about. With variable data marketing you could, if you so chose, print items targeted at specific marketing demographics, companies, or people. Which unlike offset printing is the future of paper print marketing.
When discussing and deciding what kind of printing is best for the job that you need done, it's best you use this practice.
If you need a lot of materials printed, you're not in a hurry, and want it all too look the same than choose offset printing as your method.
If you need a small or medium amount of printing done, and done quickly, with different pieces of information for each of your materials than choose digital printing as your method.
Both digital and offset printing are extremely beneficial in their own ways, and by being educated on these two popular forms of printing you will be able to determine what the best method for you is in the long run.
Both saving you time, and money.
Author Information:
Jordan Greve is a marketer for one of the biggest printing companies in NYC. He does the marketing and advertising for 1800 Postcards which is the largest commercial printer of full color postcards, business cards, and more.
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